It’s an amazing and incredible experience, having a child. But in terms of how it can make you feel, it can be rather uncomfortable, at least sometimes. There’s the morning sickness, the changes to your body, the health challenges, and all kinds of strange side effects. None of this detracts from the joy of being […]
Kids tend to fall on a daily basis. Taking a tumble on your bicycle? Not unusual. Tripping over your own feet when you’re running outside? Also rather normal. It’s not really a worry because, well, kids are kind of limber. They rebound pretty easily. As you grow older though, that becomes less and less true. […]
The only one thing that you requested was for the trash to be taken out. A little while later you discover your partner didn’t do it. When you ask why they didn’t do it, your partner says “I never heard you ask me”. Curious how that works, how your partner failed to hear the one […]
Invisibility is a very useful power in the movies. The characters can frequently do the impossible if they have the power of invisibility, whether it’s a starship with cloaking ability or a wizard with an invisibility cloak. Invisible health conditions, unfortunately, are equally as potent and much less enjoyable. Tinnitus, for instance, is an exceptionally […]
Let’s face it, there’s no getting away from aging, and with it usually comes hearing loss. Sure, dyeing your hair may make you look younger, but it doesn’t really change your age. But did you know that hearing loss has also been connected to health issues related to aging that are treatable, and in some […]
You may think of your favorite sci-fi movie when somebody starts talking about artificial intelligence (AI). But these days, AI is more science than just fiction. With regard to hearing aids, this is especially true. Gone is the time of one-size-fits-all hearing aids that merely raise the volume of sounds around you. AI is at […]
You aren’t really certain why, but you’ve been feeling moody lately. Well, you did feel excluded earlier this morning when no one bothered to bring you into the meeting discussion at the office and that was irritating. The other night your daughter seemed irritated with you when you asked her to turn up the volume […]
Subtle changes in your hearing can be hard to recognize because of how gradually hearing loss usually progresses. Although children are regularly tested, the majority of adults don’t even think about scheduling a hearing exam like they would their vision. So why should your hearing be any less important than your vision? It’s important to […]
Have you ever forgotten your Earbuds in your pocket and they ended up going through the wash or maybe lost them altogether? Now it’s so boring going for a run in the morning. You have a dull and dreary train ride to work. And the sound quality of your virtual meetings suffers substantially. The old […]
We usually think of hearing loss as something that advances little by little. This can make the symptoms easy to miss. It’s nothing to worry about, you just need the volume on the TV a little louder, no big deal, right? In some cases that’s true but in some cases, it isn’t. Sometimes, hearing loss […]